How I feel tonight. Le Sigh.
Anyway, this new mixer I received cannot hold all 7 of my drum mics. I am returning it for the same smokin' mixer brand I received before. Let's hope I have better LUCK this time. The MUSICIANS FRIEND dude was really cool and spent a lot of time discussing all of the issues etc. Thanks be to that. Besides the UPS guy always acts like he wants to come chill with me lol, he is such a friendly nice guy- known him for years. His wife is also a band musical person. We talk music, guitars, his wife etc. Enjoyable at best. Friends first, hang out later. Just an all around good dude. Good hearted, I can tell.
Thought I would drop two songs tonight. I love Nelly Furtado. Too bad she has kind of fell off the musical map. SPEAKING of my musical musical moon ideas, I can't wait to get back to music again :( I so miss it. I miss recording and I certainly miss playing and playing live. Still only 45, it's not over yet! As I once wrote. I lost a lot of time in my 20's - early 30's to health issues and repeating them. Live and learn, as they say. If you are not learning, what are you doing? Hmm. Things that make you go HMMMM. I lost a lot of good times during that time period. I am sure!
Ok, I lied, just a little one. Here are 3 tunes. One is LIVE from a suicide hope vigil. Check it out. Years ago. I lost a great friend to suicide and others in High School. I always wonder who they would have grown into. I once around 19 was there too. Scary place to be whether you're aware or not that you are on the brink. I don't know what saved me, must have been fate. Someone, something in me and out there, wanted me to live. Thankfully, because life is spinning by way too fast as it is, I can't imagine if I had only lived until around 20 all I would not have endured and survived through and come out stonger. Always reach out if you feel this dark cloud... because with all these people in the world, there has to be people that care enough to listen whether it be staff of an agency, a phone number hotline, a friend, a family member, even a stranger. Who knows. You are NOT alone. We all have issues we deal with daily. All of us. I don't care who you are.
I think I need to go and grab something to drink, Come with me won't you on this God, spiritually laced trip of life? Whatever it is. Let's enjoy it somehow.