Just an odd post. I think everyone has one or more dopplegangers in life. It is weird how you can see a picture and be convinced yet unconvinced you know that person. Especially now since we have the internet. I have actually thought I saw pics of myself before. I did a double take. Odd thought of the day. WORD TO BIG BIRD!
Anyway, My album is NOW on SPOTIFY too! If you prefer!
(Bill Draper, Karmic Satisfaction) (SPOTIFY)
It is all over the place now and I am super stoked, super excited! I put immense effort into this musical piece of work. I lost files, revamped songs and about shed tears to make it. It was my first time home recording vs. someone's studio. I am still working forward on NEW music and it resembles a lot like this effort going forward. I do have a (live) drumming album as well, but that is in the works and waiting since I need more music equipment for that in my home studio. (THE NEVER ENDING STORY) - not the movie. Even though that is a kid movie, or even adult, I love.
THANK YOU! Have a good day!