This is in reference to a song I wrote called "Halfway House"... it states that in my beginning vocal. (Caption)
I don't want to come across as negative. I have to state that my mother is going to get a masectomy. She has been battling breast cancer for a while now. If I was a female, I would not be thrilled either. She originally told doctor- "No" to doing the procedure, but they talked it over and she said "It is what it is". I am upset, yet glad she has decided to do all she can to fight it. We, have had a very tumultuous relationship. This year it turned around and I feel more respected and cared, thought of. I am thankful for that! We could have went through life without talking again, but we are back again and I am glad.
Musically, I have been working on some tracks the last few days and I am temporarily cancelling a the mixer I ordered. It is backordered. I will order it again at another time.
I am using my old mixer, right now.
Interesting enough I had a work supervison today and they are talking a clean. of course music doing with me playing at it too with other musicians! I have been told I can play on the clock for residents before as is, but Covid threw a wrench in that and on. I also gave my acoustic to my stepfather who has cancer for his birthday. He has interest in that, but doesn' t seem to have the time! I hope he finds some time soon. I would teach him but he is shy. I really hope to get another acoustic sooner or later. I have a lot of electrics, but for solo performances I need an acoustic.
Miss Alanis Morissette video and song I adore.
Dream big, DREAM BIGGER.